01224 639 660
07802 426 750
If you've been charged with an offence and need representation in court, our experienced and professional criminal defence lawyers will prepare a thorough and comprehensive defence case on your behalf, whether you're a private client or whether you're taking advantage of Legal Aid.
In addition to providing support throughout the police investigation, if it's been decided that your case will be heard in court, we'll prepare a detailed defence case for you. This will include an assessment and examination of the prosecution case, calling on defence witnesses as required and finding expert witnesses, if necessary, to support your case.
So you can be sure that you're going to get a thorough service which is tailored to meet your needs. We've years of experience of representing clients in the criminal courts, we will do everything in our power to give you complete and professional legal representation. And don't forget, we're here 24 hours a day to offer advice.
If you need legal representation in Aberdeen, call on the professional defence solicitors of Burn & McGregor
Contact our office in Union Street to find out more
01224 639 660